27 August 2012

You found it!

Good job! You found the blog and are ready to complete your assignment!

In the comments section (click on the word comments below), tell the class a little something about you: hobbies, little known facts, where you want to attend college, etc. Then tell us your idea for Graduation Project.

Be sure of the following:
  • Type in complete sentences
  • NO text speak
  • Use correct grammar
  • School appropriate material only

This is a grade so get to it!


  1. As you can see by the name at the top of this post, I am Austin. I like to mess around on computers, take them apart, fix them, or anything else with them. I also like to surf. It's a recent sport I picked up, but it's quickly become one of my favorites. I want to go to NC State and Double Major in Computer and Electrical Engineering because it's what I love to do... For Graduation Project I want to argue about why having computers to do most human jobs is more beneficial and safer. For my product I want to create a video/cinematic flashing back and forth between a computer controlled war and normal everyday life.

  2. My name is Jillian Born. I love playing volleyball and soccer and I'm on both Varsity teams at Laney. I was born in Pittsburgh, PA on July 4th, 1995 and of course I absolutely love the Steelers. I'm thinking about attending Lenoir-Rhyne University on a volleyball scholarship but my options are still open. For my Graduation Project I am arguing why Hospital Birth is more beneficial to a soon-to-be mother and baby than having a home birth.

  3. Hi! Over the summer I started kayaking and I love it so much now. I also enjoy playing softball, reading, going to the beach, and hanging out with my friends. I really want to go to NC State next year to major in either chemical or computer engineering. For my graduation project I am planning on arguing that the media has harmful effects on female's body image thus causing them to develop eating disorders.

  4. My name is Peter Wildeboer. I participate in soccer, swimming an baseball. I wish to attend Duke University on scholarships- particularly baseball and acedimic but either will due. I wish to major in biology or chemistry, I haven't yet decided. My idea for senior project is to argue that today's technology is more negatively effecting adolescents than helping them. My products would be physically oriented, for example holding after school athletic clinics so as to keep the kids technology free or creating work out videos for elementary physical education teachers. I am still working out some of the kinks on a few parts but all in all it's coming along fine and dandy.

  5. My name is Sander Holt. I like to play baseball and am on the varsity team at Laney, but I enjoy almost all sports. The two schools that I am most interested in attending are Duke and NC State, but I am still unsure which one I like more. For my graduation project I am arguing that the benefits of stem cell research are greater than the controversy surrounding the subject. For my product I am planning on shadowing a doctor that studies and works with stem cells and putting on a function to raise awareness for stem cell research and the diseases it can help cure, specifically Parkinson's disease.

  6. Hello my name is Salonica Shaw. I'm from Wilmington, North Carolina. I have travel up and down the east coast. I enjoy cooking, cleaning, and helping people. I also love playing softball, and being in JROTC. I am really interested in going to University of North Carolina Chapel Hill. But I do plan on going in the military right after high school. My graduation project is different metahods of teaching and learning. My product will be shadowing the three levels of teaching including one college professor, learning thier teaching style then use at home on my family, interviewing every teacher I shadowed, and then teach a class on every level of education.

  7. My name is Brianna Clayton, and I am 16 years old. I am from New Jersey and I moved here in 2004. I love to dance and I have been doing it since I was 3. I am captain of the Laney Dance Team and I am also a competitive dancer at A Leap Above. I am not sure where I want to go to college yet, but I do know that I want to study spanish and continue dancing. My senior project topic is the importance of the arts programs in schools and why they should not be removed.

  8. My name is Kelsie Sullivan. I am on the Laney lacrosse and swim team. I wish to attend either UNCW, University of South Carolina, or University of Charleston. My idea for senior project is to argue that the youth ministries in schools, keep students out of trouble. For my product i was thinking of conducting a video displaying interviews and short clips of what influence it has on schools.

  9. Hello my name is Lauren Daniel. As of a week ago, I am a professional musician which is very time consuming. I love to read, hang out with friends and family, ride my bike, and play softball. For Graduation Project, I plan to argue the negative effects that technology has had on spelling and grammar. For my product, I plan on holding a spelling bee and then a little seminar about ways to utilize technology to better our spelling and grammar.

  10. My name is Denae Eason. I was born in Walnut Creek, California, and the majority of my mom's side of the family lives there, while my dad's side of the family lives here. My four younger siblings and I are half Mexican half Caucasian. Although, the only way you could ever tell is from our mom because we are the whitest Mexicans you will ever meet. I have danced since I was five, and most of my time is dedicated to it. My senior project is on raising awareness for Human Trafficking, and I am really going to try to make it have an impact on many people, especially those in our age group.

  11. My name is Jessica Hall, and I am 17 years old. I like to skate when I get the chance, and I also play the cello. Recently I've started playing for a few weddings and special events around town. I plan to attend UNCW next fall and become either a Elementary School teacher or a High School math teacher. My topic for senior project is how global warming is negatively affecting our marine life. I'm arguing that coorporations should be completely banned from dumping their toxic waste into our waters. My product will inolve shadowing at the aquarium and giving some tours there and help take care of the animals. I will also teach a class on the importance of conserving our marine life and make a scrap book.

  12. My name is Gabriella Campana, I like to be called Bella instead of Gabby. I turned 17 last month, I'm was born in Long Island, NY and moved to Noth Carolina when I was 15. I love to dance, it's something I really enjoy doing. I can sing, but I have tons of stage fright so I refuse to do it. After high school, I hope to attend Stomy Brook University in Long island to study Obstetrics and Gynecology. My topic for senior project is Child obesity, and my argument will be how childhood obesity must become a priority in the United States because of the long term effects. For my product, I will tach a dance class choreography to "Move your body" by Michelle Obama and Beyonce and later hold an event for families and friends and speak to them about how we can help prevent child obesity. Then teach a middle school class about child obesity and really persuade them into making a difference, shadow a fitness trainer and a nutritionist, and finally, spend a day at a daycare.

  13. Hello! My name is Courtney Smith and I'm 17 years old. I love to sing and spend time with my family and friends. I am a member of the Girls Choir of Wilmington and the Laney Ensemble. Incase you haven't noticed yet, everything I do revolves around music in some way. I can't live without it. I am hoping to attend the North Carolina School of the Arts in Winston Salem, where I plan to major in music education. My graduation project topic is why music education is vital and should be kept in schools. My product will include teaching a music class where I will hold rehersals and a concert, which I will conduct.

  14. Hello, my name is Ben Quinones and I am 16 years old. I enjoy reading, working at Moe's "Welcome to Moe's!" and spending time with my Family. I do film part time for New Hanover County Schools TV and sometimes you can find me at the Laney basketball games. I would like to attend either NC State or Appalachian State and study in Chemistry. My graduation topic is the advantages of renewable energy compared to fossil fuels. My product will include visting Cape Fear's North Campus and talking to the director of the new renewable energy department and also taking a class to a wind turbine and discuss the advantages of renewable enery.

  15. I'm Kevin Bell and I'm 17 going on 18 at the end of 2012. (December 15 for birthday presents.)I love soccer and basketball and play both for Laney. I love music of most kinds and play guitar and drums all the time. I am an active member at Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church and I am the president of the youth group for the 2012-2013 school year. I want to attend an ACC school which will probably be Chapel Hill, though I am a Blue Devil at heart and would jump at the chance to go to school at Duke, but only with lots of financial help. My senior project argument is that people would benefit greatly in many ways from participation in a committed band and from learning and performing an instrument. Some would say the instruments would cost lots of money, it would be too time consuming, and people would focus more on music than their work or school work, but my argument should disprove that nonsense.

  16. Yay! First time commenting on the blog! I am looking forward to the rest of this class and for AP Literature next semester. I swam, played softball, ran cross country, and ran track for Laney and I have put a lot of time into each of those sports. I have the most adorable newborn sister and I am excited to watch her grow up. Fun fact: I like food a lot! So it seems fitting for me to do my graduation project on it. My argument is that big corporations are ruining consumers' welfare by focusing on profit rather than health when it comes to food. Cannot wait to get started!

  17. Hey everybody! My name's Courtney Long. I've played softball all my life and when I was twelve I received my black belt in karate. I love to take black and white photos of nature with a 35mm camera. This past summer was the first time I went to the mountains. We went to Tennessee and went to the Great Smokey Mountain National Park. My father, nephew and I hiked up to Clingman's Dome on the Tennessee/North Carolina state line. My nephew just turned three in April and is way too smart. The looks I get when I'm out in public with him by myself is just too funny! After graduating from Laney I hope to attend NC State and either major in Psychology or Veterinary Medicine with a minor in Photography. For Graduation Project I want to argue that Polycystic Ovary Syndrome symptoms can be reduced/treated with healthy eating.

  18. My name is Brianna Crane, quite obviously. This summer was really great but I think senior year has the potential to be even better! I'm striving to attend UNC Chapel Hill next year; I visited the campus this summer and I absolutely fell in love with it. For senior project I'm suggesting that the Internet has become more harmful than helpful, more so to the developing adolescents. I'm hosting a fun day, teaching freshman girls appropriate ways to use social networking, and shadowing a Psychiatrist.

  19. My name is Victoria Jones! My extra curricular activities include Laney varsity volleyball and National Honor Society. When I graduate, I would like to attend UT- Austin and major in social work. My senior project argument connects to my career choice and is: "placing at-risk children in children's homes can have a positive effect on them." I would like my product to include shadowing a social worker, volunteering at a group home or Boys and Girls Club, ad creating a fictional book for the children I work with.

  20. My name is Briare and I am seventeen! I love playing Lacrosse and singing in the Laney chorus. I'm captain of the varsity lacrosse team, President of the Laney chorus, and Vice President of the student body. I hope to attend UNC Chapel Hill in the Fall of 2013, but for now I'm just focusing on the little things. I work almost every weekend, and I'm an avid reader.My senior project argument is that the destructrive effects from sunbathing without sunscreen and tanning in tanning beds are so bad that we should stop all together. Hopefully my project will be a 5K walk/run to raise awareness of skin cancer!

  21. Hi everyone! My name is Kasi Ruddell and I am sixteen! I love to read and paint and draw, although I do not really have many chances to create anything. I either want to be able to go to Duke and then MIT to become a pediatrician or to Chapel Hill and get my PhD in Forensic Anthropology. I work four days a week and help raise my two siblings at home. My graduation project argument is that self expression through art and art therapy is the most healthy and therapeutic way to embody your emotions in a physical manner. For my product I will be teaching a class to a mix of kids and then have them make a piece of artwork that I will then put in an art show for there friends and family to come and see!

  22. Hi class, I'm Robynn Watson, and I like do to pretty much anything. Born and raised in Wilmington, NC and always been a beach baby. I've convinced myself after several years of debating that I want to be a teacher, and am in the teacher cadet program, which allows me to student teach at Trask Middle School. I love to read, write, and play around as well. I think I am going to go to UNCG for collage, they are fairly inexpensive, have a good teaching program, and are in a great location. I'm really going to miss the beach when I go to collage, but as much as I love the ocean, I desperately what to get out of Wilmington. Trying to gt as much collage done as possible before I start paying the big bucks for it, so I'm in Cape Fear classes now. For senior project (wow I am jumping around a lot) I will argue that a clean ocean is integral to all life on Earth, including man's. Hopefully everything will go smoothly with that. Ok, well I think I about covered everything. Until next time.

  23. My names chelsea schneegass, and I'm eighteen years old.I love the winter, and the city. I'm originally from Pennsylvania, but moved here when I was nine. I really don't have a particular hobbie, I kinda just do whatever I'm in the mood for. I've always had a passion to work with infants. ever since my niece was born I fell inlove with the idea of being an O.B.G.Y.N. I haven't decided on a college yet, but I really want it to be in the city. if I had the money, id be in new york. for my senior project I'm going to argue that hospitalized child birth is more beneficial not only to the mother but the child as well, rather then delivering at home with a midwife. I'm so ready go just get this over with, haaha. I'm an easy person to get along with so don't be afraid to get to know me.

  24. My name is Nafis Bilal and I am 17 years old. I play football for Laney and I am involved in the Spanish club, spirit club, and the National Honors Society. I am also our student body secretary. I am not sure where I want to attend college but I know I want to go to a university straight out of high school. For my graduation project I believe my topic will be about kids being more fit at an earlier age. I am not interested in anything really so I hope I do not have a hard time doing this project.

  25. Hi class! My name is Ashiya Shuford. I'm 17 years old and I was born and raised in Wilmington. I have a younger brother who also attends Laney. I love, love, love to read in my spare time, and also drawing. A little known fact about me is that I use to do Gymnastics and i wish i still did it. I would like to go to North Carolina State and enter the school of design there. I'm doing my project on why schools should have uniforms and I hope I have a fun time doing this.


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