22 October 2012

Crappy Luck

I was going to have a meeting with my mentor today at 5:15. I didn't want to be late so I got there at 5:00. I stayed waiting for her until about 5:45 or 5:50 and she never showed up. I called and it went to voicemail. I have yet to hear back from her so I have absolutely no clue what's going on. Both of the zeros I have gotten in this class are due to mentor issues. I'm so frustrated...erg!


  1. Oh no!! Do you need to switch mentors before it gets too far into the project & you end up stuck?

  2. Uh, I don't even know. She was my last option as a mentor anyway so I have absolutely no clue as to who I could contact. How do I write her an email without sounding a little mean. I'm pretty frustrated, but I don't want her to think I am a jerk or anything. It just is upsetting that its not even my fault.

  3. Right. You need to address it though, its the mature/professional thing to do! I can help you draft one.


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