30 December 2012

Practice Speech

Hey Mrs. Moon I wasn't there the day y'all talked about the practice speeches. What exactly do I need besides my ten notecards?
Hope your break is going well!

26 December 2012

19 December 2012

Can we beat the record?

So I was looking at the blog page views and saw that my 2011 class had 19,000 page views! We are at 8,000.

Think we can break the record?

The 2011 class was a year long group, so I'm assuming that they had half that in a semester. Let's see if we can get to 9, 500 by January 10th!


I am not enjoying this sonnet I am not good with writing about love and all that jazz


Do the sonnets have to be typed?

17 December 2012

My speech

I don't have a computer right now so I can't type up my speech but I have it written down. Is that okay?

Hey Mrs.Moon,
May I come in earlier tomorrow to make up the Beowulf test?

16 December 2012

Speech for tomorrow

When we get to the point where we have to "show off our product" what do we do if it's not made? We do not know what to say exactly, so can we just add a minute to our time?

For your speech

Don't forget to have some sort of typed transcript for your final speech prepared for tomorrow. Nix the note cards for now and just follow the outline I gave you.

Tomorrow you will be paired with someone who will time your speech--you will be graded on getting to 8 minutes!


Don't get too excited about your research papers. They will most likely NOT be finished by tomorrow. Tuesday, maybe?

Derka derka derka

Derka Derka Derka Derka Derka Derka Derka

14 December 2012



12 December 2012

Thank you cards

Can my thank you cards be on two pages instead of on separate pages for each one?


Should I include my PowerPoint in my portfolio?

11 December 2012

Spot the errors and

win a prize!

Come by my room tomorrow before class and tell me an error and you can get a prize!

Hint: there are actually 2 grammatical errors!

10 December 2012


So for some reason I am still unable to comment. A yahoo is a rude brute and comes from Swifts Gulliver's Travels
Falstaffian- (orgin) come from the name Sir John Falstaff, a character for Wiliam Shakesphere comic plays.
(Definition) Jovial, plump,dissolute.

Post Your Literary Allusion Here

Under COMMENTS, post your literary allusion so that they're all in the same place.

Thanks Brianna for starting the post! :)

Due tonight by midnight!

Origin-written by Molière; a famous theatrical comedy
Definition-an ostentatious hypocrite

Character Letter

Just wanted you to know I do have it.

09 December 2012

Table of Contents

Hey Mrs. Moon!

Quick question, how exactly do you want the table of contents? Does it have to say what every single page is, or just what pages the dividers are?

& for anyone that needs stickers and colored papers for your portfolio, I have a TON. Just ask :)

Our families

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Don't forget to grab a little something for our adopted families while you are out and about!

07 December 2012

brownie container

I think I left a brownie pan under my desk. Did you pick that up by chance?

05 December 2012


I got it to work Mrs. Moon! all though there's a little message in the corner, its the software I used to convert everything is that okay....

Addition hours

Under the additional hours part of the product log can a parent sign those? I didn't have the sheet when I actually shadowed and same with the fun day, my parents were there not my mentor.

Shadowing notes

Do I have to include the typed copy with my product tomorrow or can I type them up later since you said they are going in the portfolio?

Lesson plan

I was going to put everything in a binder but on that one sheet you gave us it said to prepare a notebook for our lesson plan and everything that related to teaching a class. So do I need to separate that from the binder or just toss it all in there?


You said 6 slides per page when we print out our PowerPoint right?


Do we need our mentor commitment form with our product tomorrow?

04 December 2012

So I had 15 students in my class but 3 of their parents did not sign for their picture to be taken and the day care wouldnt let me take any of their pictures not even from the back, just to be sure I didnt get them at all I guess, but I still have their work from the coloring activity. Is that enough, or should I get the head person of the day care to sign off saying they were there?


So I created a flyer but since I never had to advertise my class due to me not being able to teach at Cape Fear what should I do...Its in my letter and on my product log. Should I include it?


Ryan wants us to do well on our Graduation Project, so we should probably listen.

03 December 2012

02 December 2012


What needs to go next to our references' names?

release forms

So if the students in the class that I'm teaching have their photo release forms, is there still something that I need to bring in in regard to that?

01 December 2012

Don't forget our families

As you are out and about this weekend, don't forget to pick up a little something for our Christmas families!