09 December 2012

Table of Contents

Hey Mrs. Moon!

Quick question, how exactly do you want the table of contents? Does it have to say what every single page is, or just what pages the dividers are?

& for anyone that needs stickers and colored papers for your portfolio, I have a TON. Just ask :)


  1. I was literally gonna ask this same question, But just to add to her's. Should the table of contents look like the check list just with page numbers?

  2. Yes..the table of contents pretty much looks like the checklist but with numbers.

    Everything should be listed. You have a few options, though.

    For example, say your research paper starts on page 10 and goes through page 20. You could either do:

    Outline 10
    Research paper text 11
    Works Cited 20


    Research paper 10-20

    Just make sure it's all the same...

  3. does the table of content count as a page?


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