08 January 2013

Practice Final Speech

Hey Mrs.Moon sorry I had to miss your class yesterday and today. I got a really bad case of pink eye Sunday and I'm still trying to heal it and on top of that on Monday I woke up with strep throat and later that night I had a fever of 102. Today I still have a really high fever and my strep throat is still pretty bad so I couldnt go to school. But I forgot that to do my final speech I have to make a 93 on my practice speech and I was planning on making it to my speech cause I knew I had to no matter what but now what do I do since I planned on doing my practice speech today during my lunch period?

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry about making up the practice speech.

    If you aren't going to make it tonight, you MUST call the school and have someone find me and tell me so we can reschedule your speech!!!


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