29 November 2012

I still haven't got a nutritionist to say yes to me shadowing them but I have been talking to one and she said that I couldn't shadow her while she is doing the consults but that she teaches a Health, Nutrition and Performance class that last three hours and her last class is on Tuesday from 11am-2pm and that I could sit in on that and take notes. Would that be okay for "shadowing" or no?

28 November 2012

Is it ok I leave my extra sheet protectors in the binder or do I have to take them out?


Do we need to put the colored paper in the sheet protectors yet? What about the dividers?

Paper part of portfolio

For the paper part of the portfolio is it okay to just put in the papers you wrote on instead of printing a whole different paper out? Or should I just go ahead and print everything all over again?

My interview evaluation

My interview lady said he would fax it over later today after her therapy sessions. So I really hope she does it haha
Mrs. Moon
Do I need 8 for the class and 15 for the dinner or 15 for the class and 8 for the dinner..I am getting confused on it and I just need to clarify

27 November 2012

consensus on donuts

Should I bring in Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts? And if Dunkin, donuts or munchkins?

Food and Riddle

Don't forget your food and riddle tomorrow!


Would this be okay to use as my sign of commitment cover sheet picture? It proves my point exactly...


So I sent you my 3rd reflection Im assuming It needs changes before it can go in my portfolio

26 November 2012

Sign of Commitment

I know it says the picture has to be in color, but I found this really cute one that is already in black and white, so is it alright if I make the other things in color or do I need to find a new picture?


When bringing in proof of our product tomorrow,   is bringing in all the drawings for my shirts enough or should I bring more??

How many plates do I need to bring for Wednesday?


I'm here! Where are you?


i got the camera but it dosent have a tape or anything, so how am i supposed to save my stuff?  was i supposed to get a tape, or do i have to buy one?

25 November 2012

Teaching my class

Hey Mrs. Moon! I am teaching my class tomorrow and I forgot what attire we had to wear! Could you help me out??

22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope your day is wonderful!

Remember to give thanks for everything that you have. You are so fortunate...so spread the thanks and joy!

20 November 2012

I can't comment

I can't comment on anything...it's really upsetting. I was just seeing if I could post something. The last that that I was able to do was when you posted that picture. Hm...very confused


Hey Mrs. moon,

I arrived to NY this morning, I forgot to ask you where I could get Beowulf from to read it while I'm up here?

And I talked to the CEO of the boys and girls club and she understood and said I could change the date for my event to later on that week! I'll be arriving Tuesday around noon so I might show up to your class I'm not sure yet. But for sure ill be in school next Wednesday!

We're Adopting!

 Are you intrigued?

Good! I'll explain in class tomorrow!

19 November 2012

Interview Transcript

I just typed my interview up and in the top left corner it says the date submitted, what date shoulld I put? and should I put the notes I wrote during the interview into my portfolio and if so do I put it before or after the transcript?

18 November 2012


Just finished the book & it's a cliffhanger!! Ahhh! Now I HAVE to read the next one!


What day is the Anglo-Saxon riddle due?


Bobbitt's 1st block is a health class and 2nd is PE. Can I shadow both? He said if I wanted to teach 2nd block girls we could use a classroom. Is that okay?

Thinking of you all...


Do I need to have someone sign off on me volunteering?

16 November 2012

My Art Show

Hey Mrs. Moon I called the USO building, which is where I want to hold my art show, to get a room but they said that I have to go through the school to hold my art show there. I don't have anywhere else I can hold it but I don't know what I am supposed to do.



Nothing good on TV?

Click here!


Party time, Excellent!

I am SO proud of you all for raising a whopping $87! You are awesome!

Some of y'all's faces are totally hilarious! 

See you Monday with your mentor signature! Get ready for more BEOWULF

15 November 2012


Just testing out the new blogger app.

College Essay

Mrs. Moon, I have already asked about mine, but I think you forgot. I was wandering if you would be able to look over my college essay for me? Thank you very much.

14 November 2012

lesson plan

So do we get the teacher of the class we're teaching to approve the lesson plan sheet that you gave us? Or could I just email her the typed up one?

Letter to the Board

Mrs. Moon would this be okay to send to the board?


Dear members of the Graduation Project Advisory Board

Due to a series of unfortunate events I would like to change part of my product within my letter of intent. I stated in my letter of intent that I would take a small class to Cape Fear Community College and teach them the positives of Alternative energy. This was going to take 5 hours now upon speaking with the head of the energy department I found I could not teach at the College. This was due to no faculty member at the college would be able to be present whilst I taught my class. Now this would cause problems for my product due to a large span of hours gone missing, to make up for this I would like to change my location to a class at Laney High School. My lesson plan and activities can still be achieved even though the location has changed.


Benjamin J. Quinones

13 November 2012

can somebody email me final draft check list so i can make a copy?

Hope all is well

in research paper land!

I'm guessing that everyone is pretty good because of the lack of questions. That makes me both happy and scared at the same time!

If you high-five me when you turn in your paper tomorrow, you may just get a little treat!

I'll leave you with this funny video that Sophia found. If you can't handle a few naughty words, do not play.

Good night!

Grammar funny!

Lesson Plan

Hi Mrs. Moon,

Could you please check your email for my lesson plan? I sent it a little bit ago.
Thank you!

Final Paper

Is it okay if your paper goes on to the 10th page? Also, could you tell me the correct way to put the interview on the works cited.


So do we need the entire paper our advisor corrected or just the comment sheet?

Oh me, Oh my

Sorry guys but I just need to fuss a little..I worked 5:30am-2pm and then 4:45pm-9:30pm yesterday. I went home at 2pm during my break and tried to turn on my computer and it didn't turn on. It turns out that most likely my computer's hard drive, which has my Graduation Paper on it, is completely fried and I won't be able to get anything off of it. Thank goodness we got our rough drafts back so all I have to do is re-type the entire thing but it's still frustrating because now I have no computer to use for Graduation Project or for my online classes

12 November 2012

Oh dear...


Final Draft

Is the final draft due tomorrow or wednesday causeeee I have wednesday on my calendar but someone said it was due tomorrow soooo if someone could get back to me that would be nice


For this paragraph you said I should move it to the beginning because it seems out of place, but my Roman numeral topic is physiological effects and the subtopic is mental. The first sentence talks about medicine/Greek mythology, but it goes into the mental aspect of the connection to the arts and the mental effects that getting rid of the arts has on the students. So it wouldn't make sense to move it. Can I leave it or make any changes to it that would make it fit better?

Final Draft

There are some paragraphs that you said I only have one source. Using the same source twice won't count as a second source will it? Also, did you get my email with my letter and word lists? Thanks!

08 November 2012

Last day for change

Remember, tomorrow is the last day for change! Don't you want to win a pizza party?? I do!

Study for your vocab quiz and Rime test!

Bad News

Sooooo I cannot teach a class at Cape Fear due to no one being able to be present for my presentation sooooo I'm a bit SOL and don't know what to do

07 November 2012

Mrs. Moon,

Just wanted to let you know that I sent you my college essay and mentor review of research paper!

06 November 2012

Happy Election Day!

What a great day to be an American! We are so lucky to live in a democratic nation where every eligible person gets to cast his or her vote! 

If you can, I hope you vote! Voting is a right that you should not take for granted. Many people in our great country fought for that right and we need to honor them by voting! You will remember the first time you voted forever! 


Anyway, tomorrow we will be finishing our cartoons, finishing "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and discussing GP issues.

Work on fixing your paper or your product in general.

See you tomorrow!


Mrs. Moon,
Have you recieved an e-mail from my mentor?

04 November 2012

Mentor Log

I gave my mentor the mentor log on Thursday and went to go pick it up today and the woman at the front desk said she could not find it. My mentor has emailed me yet, but I will be trying to get it on Tuesday since that is the only day I have a ride. Emailed Dreams about getting a new mentor last month, they haven't replied back either so I guess I'm stuck with this one. Maybe I'll be able to do the next mentor log check. Oh, and on the off chance that my mentor has lost my log... what does that mean, can I just get a new one; I pretty much remember everything that was on it?
Mrs. Moon,
I was supposed to meet with my mentor today but he had to fly out of state because of a family emergency. What should I do? He's been helping me with my paper a lot. But, I have a feeling he's going to bail out on me for a while.

Mentor and lesson plan

So I cant meet with my mentor till tuesday so I gotta take a zero on that one but I also sent you my outline for my lesson plan I wasn't sure how long the bullets were supposed to be so I made them short and too the point

Paper editing

If you said "I don't love this..." do we have to change it? I can't think of anything better. It's in my intro. I asked you about it when I was writing it and you said it was fine, but then you wrote on my paper it wasn't. It's just that scenario with the friends listening to music in the car. Suggestions?

01 November 2012

Parent Letter

Hey Mrs. Moon I emailed you my parent letter and I was wondering if it is okay to hand out to the students for my class.