14 November 2012

Letter to the Board

Mrs. Moon would this be okay to send to the board?


Dear members of the Graduation Project Advisory Board

Due to a series of unfortunate events I would like to change part of my product within my letter of intent. I stated in my letter of intent that I would take a small class to Cape Fear Community College and teach them the positives of Alternative energy. This was going to take 5 hours now upon speaking with the head of the energy department I found I could not teach at the College. This was due to no faculty member at the college would be able to be present whilst I taught my class. Now this would cause problems for my product due to a large span of hours gone missing, to make up for this I would like to change my location to a class at Laney High School. My lesson plan and activities can still be achieved even though the location has changed.


Benjamin J. Quinones


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