06 November 2012

Happy Election Day!

What a great day to be an American! We are so lucky to live in a democratic nation where every eligible person gets to cast his or her vote! 

If you can, I hope you vote! Voting is a right that you should not take for granted. Many people in our great country fought for that right and we need to honor them by voting! You will remember the first time you voted forever! 


Anyway, tomorrow we will be finishing our cartoons, finishing "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and discussing GP issues.

Work on fixing your paper or your product in general.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I have had such a productive GP day today! It's so exciting. I finished all of my English things and have the rest of the day to read and relax!

  2. Hint, hint: Look over your Rime power point notes...

  3. We'll finish those tomorrow too!

  4. Oh, we must have started them when you were absent. Don't worry about it!


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