30 December 2012

Practice Speech

Hey Mrs. Moon I wasn't there the day y'all talked about the practice speeches. What exactly do I need besides my ten notecards?
Hope your break is going well!

26 December 2012

19 December 2012

Can we beat the record?

So I was looking at the blog page views and saw that my 2011 class had 19,000 page views! We are at 8,000.

Think we can break the record?

The 2011 class was a year long group, so I'm assuming that they had half that in a semester. Let's see if we can get to 9, 500 by January 10th!


I am not enjoying this sonnet I am not good with writing about love and all that jazz


Do the sonnets have to be typed?

17 December 2012

My speech

I don't have a computer right now so I can't type up my speech but I have it written down. Is that okay?

Hey Mrs.Moon,
May I come in earlier tomorrow to make up the Beowulf test?

16 December 2012

Speech for tomorrow

When we get to the point where we have to "show off our product" what do we do if it's not made? We do not know what to say exactly, so can we just add a minute to our time?

For your speech

Don't forget to have some sort of typed transcript for your final speech prepared for tomorrow. Nix the note cards for now and just follow the outline I gave you.

Tomorrow you will be paired with someone who will time your speech--you will be graded on getting to 8 minutes!


Don't get too excited about your research papers. They will most likely NOT be finished by tomorrow. Tuesday, maybe?

Derka derka derka

Derka Derka Derka Derka Derka Derka Derka

14 December 2012



12 December 2012

Thank you cards

Can my thank you cards be on two pages instead of on separate pages for each one?


Should I include my PowerPoint in my portfolio?

11 December 2012

Spot the errors and

win a prize!

Come by my room tomorrow before class and tell me an error and you can get a prize!

Hint: there are actually 2 grammatical errors!

10 December 2012


So for some reason I am still unable to comment. A yahoo is a rude brute and comes from Swifts Gulliver's Travels
Falstaffian- (orgin) come from the name Sir John Falstaff, a character for Wiliam Shakesphere comic plays.
(Definition) Jovial, plump,dissolute.

Post Your Literary Allusion Here

Under COMMENTS, post your literary allusion so that they're all in the same place.

Thanks Brianna for starting the post! :)

Due tonight by midnight!

Origin-written by Molière; a famous theatrical comedy
Definition-an ostentatious hypocrite

Character Letter

Just wanted you to know I do have it.

09 December 2012

Table of Contents

Hey Mrs. Moon!

Quick question, how exactly do you want the table of contents? Does it have to say what every single page is, or just what pages the dividers are?

& for anyone that needs stickers and colored papers for your portfolio, I have a TON. Just ask :)

Our families

Hope you are enjoying your weekend!

Don't forget to grab a little something for our adopted families while you are out and about!

07 December 2012

brownie container

I think I left a brownie pan under my desk. Did you pick that up by chance?

05 December 2012


I got it to work Mrs. Moon! all though there's a little message in the corner, its the software I used to convert everything is that okay....

Addition hours

Under the additional hours part of the product log can a parent sign those? I didn't have the sheet when I actually shadowed and same with the fun day, my parents were there not my mentor.

Shadowing notes

Do I have to include the typed copy with my product tomorrow or can I type them up later since you said they are going in the portfolio?

Lesson plan

I was going to put everything in a binder but on that one sheet you gave us it said to prepare a notebook for our lesson plan and everything that related to teaching a class. So do I need to separate that from the binder or just toss it all in there?


You said 6 slides per page when we print out our PowerPoint right?


Do we need our mentor commitment form with our product tomorrow?

04 December 2012

So I had 15 students in my class but 3 of their parents did not sign for their picture to be taken and the day care wouldnt let me take any of their pictures not even from the back, just to be sure I didnt get them at all I guess, but I still have their work from the coloring activity. Is that enough, or should I get the head person of the day care to sign off saying they were there?


So I created a flyer but since I never had to advertise my class due to me not being able to teach at Cape Fear what should I do...Its in my letter and on my product log. Should I include it?


Ryan wants us to do well on our Graduation Project, so we should probably listen.

03 December 2012

02 December 2012


What needs to go next to our references' names?

release forms

So if the students in the class that I'm teaching have their photo release forms, is there still something that I need to bring in in regard to that?

01 December 2012

Don't forget our families

As you are out and about this weekend, don't forget to pick up a little something for our Christmas families!

29 November 2012

I still haven't got a nutritionist to say yes to me shadowing them but I have been talking to one and she said that I couldn't shadow her while she is doing the consults but that she teaches a Health, Nutrition and Performance class that last three hours and her last class is on Tuesday from 11am-2pm and that I could sit in on that and take notes. Would that be okay for "shadowing" or no?

28 November 2012

Is it ok I leave my extra sheet protectors in the binder or do I have to take them out?


Do we need to put the colored paper in the sheet protectors yet? What about the dividers?

Paper part of portfolio

For the paper part of the portfolio is it okay to just put in the papers you wrote on instead of printing a whole different paper out? Or should I just go ahead and print everything all over again?

My interview evaluation

My interview lady said he would fax it over later today after her therapy sessions. So I really hope she does it haha
Mrs. Moon
Do I need 8 for the class and 15 for the dinner or 15 for the class and 8 for the dinner..I am getting confused on it and I just need to clarify

27 November 2012

consensus on donuts

Should I bring in Krispy Kreme or Dunkin Donuts? And if Dunkin, donuts or munchkins?

Food and Riddle

Don't forget your food and riddle tomorrow!


Would this be okay to use as my sign of commitment cover sheet picture? It proves my point exactly...


So I sent you my 3rd reflection Im assuming It needs changes before it can go in my portfolio

26 November 2012

Sign of Commitment

I know it says the picture has to be in color, but I found this really cute one that is already in black and white, so is it alright if I make the other things in color or do I need to find a new picture?


When bringing in proof of our product tomorrow,   is bringing in all the drawings for my shirts enough or should I bring more??

How many plates do I need to bring for Wednesday?


I'm here! Where are you?


i got the camera but it dosent have a tape or anything, so how am i supposed to save my stuff?  was i supposed to get a tape, or do i have to buy one?

25 November 2012

Teaching my class

Hey Mrs. Moon! I am teaching my class tomorrow and I forgot what attire we had to wear! Could you help me out??

22 November 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

Hope your day is wonderful!

Remember to give thanks for everything that you have. You are so fortunate...so spread the thanks and joy!

20 November 2012

I can't comment

I can't comment on anything...it's really upsetting. I was just seeing if I could post something. The last that that I was able to do was when you posted that picture. Hm...very confused


Hey Mrs. moon,

I arrived to NY this morning, I forgot to ask you where I could get Beowulf from to read it while I'm up here?

And I talked to the CEO of the boys and girls club and she understood and said I could change the date for my event to later on that week! I'll be arriving Tuesday around noon so I might show up to your class I'm not sure yet. But for sure ill be in school next Wednesday!

We're Adopting!

 Are you intrigued?

Good! I'll explain in class tomorrow!

19 November 2012

Interview Transcript

I just typed my interview up and in the top left corner it says the date submitted, what date shoulld I put? and should I put the notes I wrote during the interview into my portfolio and if so do I put it before or after the transcript?

18 November 2012


Just finished the book & it's a cliffhanger!! Ahhh! Now I HAVE to read the next one!


What day is the Anglo-Saxon riddle due?


Bobbitt's 1st block is a health class and 2nd is PE. Can I shadow both? He said if I wanted to teach 2nd block girls we could use a classroom. Is that okay?

Thinking of you all...


Do I need to have someone sign off on me volunteering?

16 November 2012

My Art Show

Hey Mrs. Moon I called the USO building, which is where I want to hold my art show, to get a room but they said that I have to go through the school to hold my art show there. I don't have anywhere else I can hold it but I don't know what I am supposed to do.



Nothing good on TV?

Click here!


Party time, Excellent!

I am SO proud of you all for raising a whopping $87! You are awesome!

Some of y'all's faces are totally hilarious! 

See you Monday with your mentor signature! Get ready for more BEOWULF

15 November 2012


Just testing out the new blogger app.

College Essay

Mrs. Moon, I have already asked about mine, but I think you forgot. I was wandering if you would be able to look over my college essay for me? Thank you very much.

14 November 2012

lesson plan

So do we get the teacher of the class we're teaching to approve the lesson plan sheet that you gave us? Or could I just email her the typed up one?

Letter to the Board

Mrs. Moon would this be okay to send to the board?


Dear members of the Graduation Project Advisory Board

Due to a series of unfortunate events I would like to change part of my product within my letter of intent. I stated in my letter of intent that I would take a small class to Cape Fear Community College and teach them the positives of Alternative energy. This was going to take 5 hours now upon speaking with the head of the energy department I found I could not teach at the College. This was due to no faculty member at the college would be able to be present whilst I taught my class. Now this would cause problems for my product due to a large span of hours gone missing, to make up for this I would like to change my location to a class at Laney High School. My lesson plan and activities can still be achieved even though the location has changed.


Benjamin J. Quinones

13 November 2012

can somebody email me final draft check list so i can make a copy?

Hope all is well

in research paper land!

I'm guessing that everyone is pretty good because of the lack of questions. That makes me both happy and scared at the same time!

If you high-five me when you turn in your paper tomorrow, you may just get a little treat!

I'll leave you with this funny video that Sophia found. If you can't handle a few naughty words, do not play.

Good night!

Grammar funny!

Lesson Plan

Hi Mrs. Moon,

Could you please check your email for my lesson plan? I sent it a little bit ago.
Thank you!

Final Paper

Is it okay if your paper goes on to the 10th page? Also, could you tell me the correct way to put the interview on the works cited.


So do we need the entire paper our advisor corrected or just the comment sheet?

Oh me, Oh my

Sorry guys but I just need to fuss a little..I worked 5:30am-2pm and then 4:45pm-9:30pm yesterday. I went home at 2pm during my break and tried to turn on my computer and it didn't turn on. It turns out that most likely my computer's hard drive, which has my Graduation Paper on it, is completely fried and I won't be able to get anything off of it. Thank goodness we got our rough drafts back so all I have to do is re-type the entire thing but it's still frustrating because now I have no computer to use for Graduation Project or for my online classes

12 November 2012

Oh dear...


Final Draft

Is the final draft due tomorrow or wednesday causeeee I have wednesday on my calendar but someone said it was due tomorrow soooo if someone could get back to me that would be nice


For this paragraph you said I should move it to the beginning because it seems out of place, but my Roman numeral topic is physiological effects and the subtopic is mental. The first sentence talks about medicine/Greek mythology, but it goes into the mental aspect of the connection to the arts and the mental effects that getting rid of the arts has on the students. So it wouldn't make sense to move it. Can I leave it or make any changes to it that would make it fit better?

Final Draft

There are some paragraphs that you said I only have one source. Using the same source twice won't count as a second source will it? Also, did you get my email with my letter and word lists? Thanks!

08 November 2012

Last day for change

Remember, tomorrow is the last day for change! Don't you want to win a pizza party?? I do!

Study for your vocab quiz and Rime test!

Bad News

Sooooo I cannot teach a class at Cape Fear due to no one being able to be present for my presentation sooooo I'm a bit SOL and don't know what to do

07 November 2012

Mrs. Moon,

Just wanted to let you know that I sent you my college essay and mentor review of research paper!

06 November 2012

Happy Election Day!

What a great day to be an American! We are so lucky to live in a democratic nation where every eligible person gets to cast his or her vote! 

If you can, I hope you vote! Voting is a right that you should not take for granted. Many people in our great country fought for that right and we need to honor them by voting! You will remember the first time you voted forever! 


Anyway, tomorrow we will be finishing our cartoons, finishing "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" and discussing GP issues.

Work on fixing your paper or your product in general.

See you tomorrow!


Mrs. Moon,
Have you recieved an e-mail from my mentor?

04 November 2012

Mentor Log

I gave my mentor the mentor log on Thursday and went to go pick it up today and the woman at the front desk said she could not find it. My mentor has emailed me yet, but I will be trying to get it on Tuesday since that is the only day I have a ride. Emailed Dreams about getting a new mentor last month, they haven't replied back either so I guess I'm stuck with this one. Maybe I'll be able to do the next mentor log check. Oh, and on the off chance that my mentor has lost my log... what does that mean, can I just get a new one; I pretty much remember everything that was on it?
Mrs. Moon,
I was supposed to meet with my mentor today but he had to fly out of state because of a family emergency. What should I do? He's been helping me with my paper a lot. But, I have a feeling he's going to bail out on me for a while.

Mentor and lesson plan

So I cant meet with my mentor till tuesday so I gotta take a zero on that one but I also sent you my outline for my lesson plan I wasn't sure how long the bullets were supposed to be so I made them short and too the point

Paper editing

If you said "I don't love this..." do we have to change it? I can't think of anything better. It's in my intro. I asked you about it when I was writing it and you said it was fine, but then you wrote on my paper it wasn't. It's just that scenario with the friends listening to music in the car. Suggestions?

01 November 2012

Parent Letter

Hey Mrs. Moon I emailed you my parent letter and I was wondering if it is okay to hand out to the students for my class.

31 October 2012

Product log

I heard you say it was due tomorrow.
I thought it was due next monday... Im confused haha

30 October 2012

Vocabulary Assignment

Hey Mrs. Moon,
   How many words from our vocabulary do we have to put in the short story?

  Also, does anyone know who has the key for the elevator during flex. I tore something in my ankle and they put me on crutches, so I kind of need it.

Class lessons

Hey Mrs. Moon,
I e-mailed you my class lessons, let me know if you approve of them or not through e-mail or on the blog.

29 October 2012


Mrs. Moon, I could not get my flyer to upload here so I emailed it to you. I just wanted to know if it would be okay to put up at Trask if Mrs. Dousharm allows me to do the drive there. Would you please look at if for me? I have to attach it to an email ASAP.

Iron Maiden!

OK, now you can hear the song!

28 October 2012

Mrs. Moon,
I am supposed to shadow a nutritionist and the only day she can do it is this Wednesday at 2, I have a fourth block so I would have to leave early. What would I have to do to get an excused absence?

26 October 2012

Hey Guys!

I'm not sure if everyone got the memo this afternoon, but the football game start time got pushed up an hour to 6:30. Also, if any of you are taking the ACT tomorrow, that got postponed to a later date. Just wanted to make sure everyone knew what was up. Hope y'all have a great weekend!

A little Frank reference

Check it out!

25 October 2012


Feels so good!

Mrs. Moon,
Have you happened to have read my college essay yet?
And if I have a 0 for the interview transcript do I have to turn it in by Monday, even though it will stay a 0 if I turn it in before?

24 October 2012

Found it interesting.. And it relates to my Project :)


I'm about to have a panickk attack! So, I've looked everywhere and i can not find my rubric... any where. I don't know where it could have just walked off to, but is there any way i can get another one?

Speech outfit!?

Do we include the graph in our transcript?

Woo hoo

Good job today!


Missing work

Hey everyone!

I just want to let everyone know that all make-up work must be submitted by Monday. After Monday, that missing grade will become a ZERO. (You can only make up work that is less than 6 days old though).

The following people are missing the Frankenstein test:
Brianna Crane

See you tomorrow!

23 October 2012

Speech attire



Good job!

Mrs. Moon

So, I apologize for not finishing my speech today. I really don't understand why I freaked out. I guess the nerves got to me. Thank you for being so understanding!
One quick concern about my product: Is there a minimum/maximum amount of people that I am allowed to invite for the dinner I'm hosting?


Should I put the opposition in my paper??? I feel like with it i would go over 5 minuets if I did.



If I email you the image I wanted to use tomorrow for my speech could you tell me if it's okay?

Speech Clothes

You can't really see it because our house is too dark.

22 October 2012


Sorry it's sideways

Crappy Luck

I was going to have a meeting with my mentor today at 5:15. I didn't want to be late so I got there at 5:00. I stayed waiting for her until about 5:45 or 5:50 and she never showed up. I called and it went to voicemail. I have yet to hear back from her so I have absolutely no clue what's going on. Both of the zeros I have gotten in this class are due to mentor issues. I'm so frustrated...erg!


Sooooooo my transcript got deleted, so not only did someone spill coffee on the visual my transcript has been deleted. So I am here to ask you if it is absolutely necessary? although I can type it again i'd rather not but that is your decision...


How's this?

Mentor check

For the date since my product is a daily thing can I put 10/16-10/22 and do each block by a weekly time frame?

Looking Good!

Good job today everyone!

Dress clothes

Is this good enough?

21 October 2012

Speech attire


I have other ties if the duke one isn't professional, I just thought it was appropriate considering the events of the weekend...haha.

bad quality, but I tried!

Is this good Mrs. Moon? sorry for the bad quality I dont have a fancy phone haha




Okay so for tomorrow I need:
- speech transcript
- 5 notecards
- visual
- proof of practice
- rubric

Is that everything?


I feel as if I am forgetting something. I don't have a whole lot of homework. Can I get a reminder if what we have to do this weekend?

20 October 2012


Is this okay? I think I'll get a colored sweater.

helppp, :(

mrs. moon, what is your email? im having difficulties trying to upload my outfit on here, so im just going to send it to your email. thanks


What did you say about the transcrpit? like length wise? Because all it says on the sheet is you need to type a transcript of what you say.

19 October 2012

18 October 2012


Hey Mrs. Moon. My surgery went fine but I'm not going to be able to make it to school tomorrow. My head is looking like a beach ball. I'm emailing you my reflection so look for it there. See you guys Monday!

Is this outfit okay for my speech?

You can see the swelling in my knee horribly. Sorry if it grosses you out. Ha ha.

2 questions relating to the reflection

So how many words do we have to have for it to be counted as a line? Like i have half a line due to it being the end of a paragraph, would this count as a full line?

also can i make an allusion in my paper, it may or may not have to do with your well trained eyes picking apart my paper like zeus' eagle picking apart prometheus' liver....
I'm hoping that I am typing a new post? haha.

Speech outfits

Cardigan wise, do you prefer girls to wear ones that cut off at the waist or are longer okay? I have a longer one I could wear, but it may make my dress more casual. Also, if we want color what color cardigan should we get? Right now I look funeral chic. I think I need to spruce it up.

My helper

My cat is quite interested in Sophia's paper!

You have most likely answered this... sorry. I am meeting with my mentor today, and cannot remember, if the time requirement is thirty minutes. Also for out product/mentor log in the box for mentor check does our mentor, along with checking the boxes below, have to make notes of what we did?

Mrs. Moon

Hey Mrs. Moon!
Tomorrow (Friday) I have a HOSA Leadership Conference that I have to attend at Topsail High School for the whole school day. I forgot to get you to sign the sheet so I figured I could tell you on here to make sure you know! I can stay after any day next week to make up any work I miss and I will e-mail you my reflection tonight if that's okay with you!

17 October 2012


Do we need a title for our reflections or do we just start typing after the header?

Out Thursday and PSAT

I'm giving the PSAT in my room and it's supposed to be over at 11:50. That's in my room and we had no problems and everything went smoothly. I'm sure that other classes will go longer.

I have no other info about when 3rd will start today or if I'll see you at all (remember I'm leaving at 1:00 to go to a training).

Also, I'm going to be out on Thursday!

I'm only leaving you one small assignment. You can use the rest of class to write your speech, write/type reflection, or work on Frank project.

Don't forget that your reflection and project are due Friday! Use this time wisely!


16 October 2012

Frankenstein Project

We are doing the option that includes creating Victor's lab journal and I was wondering how you would incorporate text references into that. Like, do we directly quote them in the journal or do we take what the book said and put the idea it portrayed into the journal?

For example, would it be a text reference if in our lab journal we said, "Sew together body parts." and then drew a pic of the body sewed together? Since that's what he did in the book.

15 October 2012

Nighty night

Ok. You're on your own. Good luck and help each other with any remaining questions!

See you bright and early tomorrow morning.

I'm trying to bring back the high-five so when you hand in your paper I want a high-five!

Get some sleep!


What needs to be stapled and not stapled? I don't want to staple something that wasn't suppose to be. My life would be over then.


Is it okay to have a paragraph that takes up most of the page? There's a paragraph starting on the second to last line, but the rest of the page is made up of the previous paragraph.

Vocab anyone?

Tina Fey & Amy Poehler to Host Golden Globes

See this article for the correct usage of one of our vocab words! Gosh, I love words!


Okay what is the exact order  that our stuff needs to be in?? Outline, then paper, then works cited, then note cards, then internet printouts?

Last thing

What's the minimum number of quotes that we need again?


Is the outline double spaced?

I've been waiting for this!

I have noticed that the blog post count is 99 i have patiently be waiting to say....

I AM THE 100th blog post!!!! huzzah!!!

wears the confetti.....

Mrs. Moon

I was on Pinterest and I found this:

Any bets

on who will be up working the latest?

I've got a few names in mind! :)

Citation Stuff

I have a sentence that ends in quoted material from a source. The next few sentences are paraphrased material from that same source. Do I need to put the citation immediately after the quotes or do I put it after the rest of the information that came from that source?


So I forgot does the outline have a title or not? like is it the title you use in the paper or is it just outline?


Does our interview go in our big envelope? And is it okay if I use 9 quotes from my interview to the 10 total throughout the paper? And if the interview tanscript doesnt go into the envelope were turning in tomorrow can I type it later on when Im not as busy and just turn it into you?

14 October 2012

Printed sources

What do I do about a source that is no longer on the Internet? I've searched everywhere and it's no longer posted. It's the only printed source I'm missing.


How many quotes from our interview do we need to include into our paper?

Sunday reminders

Hi everyone! Hope your weekend was swell!

Mine was pretty good, but my Gamecocks lost to stupid LSU. It really was a great game and USC is still in the top 10 even with that loss.

Don't forget all we have going on this upcoming week:

Monday: Frankenstein test
Tuesday: ROUGH DRAFT DUE before 8:30
Wednesday-Friday: working on Frank group project and mid-term speech writing

See you tomorrow!


So about that conclusion are we suppose to have one by tuesday? Because I dont remember you saying anything about it? You most likely did and I was probably spacing out and thinking of the great novel Frankenstein.

Mrs. Moon!

I emailed you about my college essay, and I just wanted to post on here to tell you just in case you weren't going to check your email today. Thanks!

13 October 2012


Is it alright if I stick this in my paper?
I already have a graph, but I want to put this in there too.
This isn't a chart necessarily, but it ties into my paper.