30 September 2012

Interview questions

How many questions does there have to be?

College Essay

Mrs. Moon I lost my college essay prompt. I can't remember it exactly but it was the one about making up a question. Could you tell me what the prompt says?

College Essay

About how long should a short story be if that's what we have to do for the college essay?

29 September 2012

Are we allowed to google questions for our interview or do we have to personally make them up??

And for our second college essay... mine is a poem, so 
I just write the poem right???

Mrs. Moon

So it's come to my attention that you checked the advisor logs when I was in the office yesterday...do you want me to post a picture of mine signed or just show it to you on Monday?

28 September 2012

Go Bucs!

Here you are!

Someone please let me know who won Homecoming King, Queen, and who won the game!

27 September 2012

Hey Mrs. Moon I think Tori tried to get up with you as well, but I smacked my head on the ground in the game tonight and probably re-concussed. I had a concussion a week or two ago and this didn't help. But I usually read Frankenstein the Thursday before it's due so it is fresh in my head. But I can't focus tonight. I don't remember the game or how I smacked my head, so it is probably a concussion again, this time a little worse than before. Hopefully you will let me slide and take the quiz Monday or something? I can probably pull the vocab off because I looked at those words before tonight. But I'm not with it mentally. So hopefully you are a gracious woman.


Vocab assignment

Mrs Moon, you said we could write the assignment in the chiller font, but 12 is really small. Could we maybe do 14 or 16 point font as long as the assignment was a page or more instead of three quarters of a page?

Like, totally to the max

Colledge essay

For the one due Monday, how long does it have to be?

26 September 2012

Rough Draft

I have a lot of information that is coming from just one source card so far so do you still want me to document after like every few sentences or would you rather me just document it when I'm done using the information from that source?

What a bunch of nerds

25 September 2012

America Day

Here you are...

Lookin' good!

Don't forget your grammar homework and your outline and note cards for tomorrow!

Dress like a nerd!

Mrs. Moon!!!

Do you happen to have a fridge?? :)

24 September 2012

Okay, I just thought this was funny.

Happy Monday!

Hope your day off from school was great! I had a great day, too, as I had to present an annotation of Othello to all of the English teachers in the county and it went perfectly!

DO NOT forget all of your note cards tomorrow! Also, we will be going over vocabulary list 4 and learning about sentence types. Fun stuff!

Tomorrow is America day--dress in your finest red, white, and blue!

See you tomorrow!


I found a really awesome article on the exploitation of women and children. It was talking about the link between the Internet and human trafficking; however, the statistics used and the information is from 2000. Is that way too old or would it be credible?

23 September 2012

Feels good to be done

Finally finished my note cards, although I only could manage 65. It's still in the upper 60's in my opinion.

21 September 2012

Blog Assignment #2

For this assignment, you must choose or change your profile picture. This is more of a competition than an assignment, really. The funniest/best profile picture wins. So, the picture doesn't have to be of you--just a funny/great picture from the Internet or wherever.

When you have decided on your picture, write a random comment so we can see your picture!

This is due by Monday at 8:00 pm.

May the best picture win!

20 September 2012


This is kind of a stupid question but, do we need like a closing statement for the reflection or can we just kinda, end it?

19 September 2012


Are we going to the library tomorrow during class?

Mrs. Moon

I found a really good article about how parents can help their children with body image issues.  It is from WebMD. Would that be a reliable source to use in my paper?

18 September 2012

Sorry Austin

Nope, no grammatical error.

Often, with the "h" sound, you use "an" because the "h" is usually silent. Even with historic, in which the h is pronounced, Shelley was correct in using an.

Please see this article. (And I LOVE the website name!!)
I wanted to give a big thank you to Mrs. Moon for making us our tasty treats for today! :D They were amazing and defiantly the highlight of my day. So, once again...

THANK YOU MRS. MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!

Courtney <3

No I'm not stalking you

But Sander, how was Moe's tonight?

Grammatical Error?

"an historical subject"?

Unless my previous English teachers have been lying to me, "an" only comes before a word that starts with a vowel...

Vocab Assignment # 3

Are we allowed to write in first person on the Laney advertisement?

Look Right!

No, not over there, silly!

Look to the right on the blog page.

Make sure you vote for what you want to do tomorrow. This will be one of the few times that our class will function as a democracy, so make your voice heard!!

17 September 2012

I know you missed me

Tell me something about what you learned in the librarians presentation or what you did in the classroom after the presentation!


At what I'm getting ready to make!!

16 September 2012

Only one hour left

To post your comment for blog assignment #1.

Get to it!

Sunday Football :)

GO PANTHERS!!!!!! Who's watching the games today? :)

15 September 2012

Football madness

Did you see that Carolina game?!? Sooo close--they were right there and couldn't convert. What a bummer!

Now my Gamecocks are playing! Get ready for a butt whooping!

Who did you root for today?

14 September 2012

Blog Assignment #1

Hi all!

For your first blog assignment, I'm taking it easy on you. All you have to do is read this article and comment on it. I want you to think about what the article is saying and give me your opinions, thoughts, questions, etc. One line of commenting will not be sufficient!

Remember: type in correct grammar and complete sentences.

Due by Sunday at 10:00 pm.


Sorry everyone for taking so long to figure this thing out. I'm a bit slow I guess. I don't know if we won or not but I apologize if we lost because of me haha my bad.

13 September 2012

Did you see BB??

I cannot believe Dan just evicted Shane!! Ahhh!

I fixed the internet

So I have internet now so you wont here me complaining anymore haha, I was going crazy guys I actually had to do my work and not goof off on the internet. No one should have to live that way, hahaha just kidding guys.

For Friday

OK, so here's what you have due tomorrow:
  1. Advisor log signature
  2. Frankenstein study guides (one for letters and one for 1-5)
  3. 10 note cards (by the end of the block)
Don't forget we also have a vocab quiz and a Frank quiz.

We will make it to the lab for a bit tomorrow and that will be the last time we go together as a class! So you need to be sure that you are finding sources while we are there.

Monday we go to the library so you can work and spread out at the tables. It's great to spread out!

I just keep thinking to myself: What is the name of the university that Victor attended?


See you tomorrow!

12 September 2012

Mrs Moon

Big Bro is on at 8! Can't wait!!
For our note cards can two different notecards be from the same source but be like I A and I b if there seperate cards???

The Death of Harriet Shelley

OK, so maybe Harriet Shelley's death wasn't as suspicious as I would like, but it is still odd and tragic!

Read the article and give me your comments below! (Instead of making it a grade, I'll give you a piece of candy!)

Click here!

Why is it called a Slug?

MLA "stole" the word from newspaper journalists who refer to the "word or phrase on top of the news copy" as a slug or heading. The word was derived from the slug of lead used to set the type for the copy when linotypes were still being used.  

Via: Fayette County Schools, Research Paper Survival Guide

11 September 2012

Vocab assignment

Is there any length restriction on the vocab assignment? Mine is about a page and a quarter double spaced.

Research paper

Hey Mrs. Moon,
So I was wondering when we are gonna start note cards and typing our paper? Like if we could make note cards on our own if we know what to do or if there's another lesson on them before we can start.

10 September 2012


OK, for some reason, my DVR didn't tape all of Big Brother last night (I think it's because 60 Minutes ran over)!

So you will have to tell me what happened in class tomorrow. All I saw was Ian winning HOH. That's it!

Senior Project

Mrs. Moon,

I've tried fixing my topic and argument and connecting them better. I came up with my overall topic as global warming and the argument being it's detramental to the biosphere. In my paper as one of the prongs I'll talk about how it can be proved through the marine life/oceans, that way it will still work with my product with volunteering at the aquarium. Do you think this could work?

Just to clairify...

Class was super busy and rushed today, so I just wanted to be sure we are all on the same page:

If your letter was accepted, tonight you will do a preliminary search on your topic. Here, you are looking for recurring ideas, opinions, arguments, etc. Then try to determine what your outline will look like.

If your letter was rejected, you are fixing your letter of intent. Then, you need to print out your new letter and bring BOTH your old (rejected) letter and your new (improved) letter to class tomorrow.

Of course, everyone is working on your vocab paragraph and reading Frankenstein.

If you have any questions, ask me here on the blog!

09 September 2012

Not really a spelling error, but this made me laugh.


Hope your weekend is going well! No real homework for English makes it a little bit brighter, right?

My Gamecocks won!!

And I saw this horribly awful mug while out shopping!

Oh by the way, if you are ever out and about or even at home and spot an egregious spelling/grammar error, take a picture of it (or bring it in if possible) and you will receive extra credit points!

See you tomorrow! Letters of intent come back! Ahhh!

06 September 2012

For Friday 07 September

Hi all! Hope you are polishing that college essay and studying for your vocabulary quiz!

Speaking of your college essay, please make sure that it is double (or at least 1.5) spaced when you hand it in tomorrow. This is how I will want most of your essays/writings; it makes it much easier for me to write comments.

Thanks and see you tomorrow!

05 September 2012


So I am still trying to fix the abstract on Laney's web page.

But here is the link to the abstract. I think the font is a bit different, but don't worry about that!

Let me know if you have any major issues.

Don't forget your 2 letters and your letter to Obama!

04 September 2012

I was thinking...

of playing a little game in class tomorrow, but I don't know everyone's feelings on that. Maybe some people hate games in class and just want to do British history guided notes...

So, if at least 10 people comment on this post that, yes, they would like to play a game instead of doing guided notes, then we will! If 10 people don't comment, then we can certainly do the notes. I like both and have no preference!


You have until Wednesday at 10:00 pm to log on and post to the blog. If you are unable to log on, you need to see me during class so we can fix the issue. I will be grading the posts on Wednesday.

We have a lot going on:

1. Letter of intent and abstract due Thursday
2. Letter to Obama due Thursday
3. College essay due Friday
4. Vocabulary quiz Friday

Keep working and using your time wisely!

03 September 2012

Does it work???

Just experimenting with da blog.... Wondering if I could do this... Let's see :)

What's that?

Happy Labor Day!

Hope you are enjoying this lovely holiday and spending it productively! (Namely, working on your short story project or college essay).

Do you know the history behind Labor Day? Do you know why we celebrate it?

Well, if you are one of the first 2 people to answer those questions in the comments section, you will win a special prize in class tomorrow.

Good luck!

02 September 2012


who I think Kelsie looks like. (Of course, Kelsie is WAY cuter and blonde, but still).