12 September 2012

The Death of Harriet Shelley

OK, so maybe Harriet Shelley's death wasn't as suspicious as I would like, but it is still odd and tragic!

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  1. That's awful! However, I do think it's a bit dramatic to think suicide is the ONLY option. I would have left Shelley too, but I would have kept with the children. She shouldn't have abandoned them if she wanted to be in control of their custody, I think Shelley had full rights to them.

  2. I agree it was a bit over dramatic on Shelly's part, however I also understand that the feelings of stress and despair can take you over and you dont think as clearly. I feel bad for her family and children, I think had she gone to them for help instead of taking her life she would have gotten farther.

  3. Tragic...but it wasn't necessary for her to take her own life. Men left her..oh well...it's not the end of your life. Move on.

  4. That's just crazy! For one thing they probably didn't know each other well enough considering the age they got married and that caused the separation between them most likely. Killing yourself is definitely never the answer! You leave your loved ones behind with nothing but sorrow and that never turns out good.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Just because things didn't go her way with men and with her kids doesn't mean she needed to kill herself. You need to be able to push through the struggles and find the good in life no matter how hard it is.

  7. I agree with the others in that committing suicide was a bit extreme considering the circumstances. Shelley's cheating on Harriet was completely unacceptable, but was not reason enough for her to commit suicide. The part that stuck out to me the most was that she abandoned her children and then did not want them to be with their father.


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