03 September 2012

What's that?

Happy Labor Day!

Hope you are enjoying this lovely holiday and spending it productively! (Namely, working on your short story project or college essay).

Do you know the history behind Labor Day? Do you know why we celebrate it?

Well, if you are one of the first 2 people to answer those questions in the comments section, you will win a special prize in class tomorrow.

Good luck!


  1. Labor Day is a day set aside to pay tribute to working men and women and has been celebrated since 1894. ­­Labor unions have celebrated the first labor days in the United States, although nobody is positive who came up with the idea. Most historians credit Peter McGuire and a cofounder of the American Federation of Labor with the original idea of a day for workers to show their solidarity. The first Labor Day parade occurred Sept. 5, 1882, in New York City. The workers' unions chose the first Monday in September because it was halfway between Independence Day and Thanksgiving. The idea spread across the country, and some states designated Labor Day as a holiday before the federal holiday was created. President Grover Cleveland signed a law designating the first Monday in September as Labor Day nationwide

    1. This day was made a federal holiday by President Grover Cleveland in 1894, to celebrate all those men an women in the work force. This was enacted 6 days after the Pullman Strike However, labor day had been celebrated prior to that date by 30 states. It was introduced to the US by AFL member Peter McGuire in 1882, after he attended the annual labor festival in Canada.

  2. Good job you two! You'll get something special tomorrow!

    Everyone should know what's behind Labor Day!

  3. I believe that Labor Day is just a cover up for child labor. It seems that all the adults don't have to work, but the teenagers do... conspiracy...... o_0


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