06 September 2012

For Friday 07 September

Hi all! Hope you are polishing that college essay and studying for your vocabulary quiz!

Speaking of your college essay, please make sure that it is double (or at least 1.5) spaced when you hand it in tomorrow. This is how I will want most of your essays/writings; it makes it much easier for me to write comments.

Thanks and see you tomorrow!


  1. But, its my birthday, can i get a free pass from the quiz? or at least of high five

  2. When you say approximately 500 words, how many words over/under would you consider to be acceptable?

  3. Ben, please be prepared for a birthday high-five!

    Lauren, you cannot go over 500 and I would aim for at least 450.

  4. Well I have sixty words I have to get rid of tonight:/ oh well, at least I asked

  5. I sent you my letter via school email...I have been sick all day!


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