27 September 2012

Hey Mrs. Moon I think Tori tried to get up with you as well, but I smacked my head on the ground in the game tonight and probably re-concussed. I had a concussion a week or two ago and this didn't help. But I usually read Frankenstein the Thursday before it's due so it is fresh in my head. But I can't focus tonight. I don't remember the game or how I smacked my head, so it is probably a concussion again, this time a little worse than before. Hopefully you will let me slide and take the quiz Monday or something? I can probably pull the vocab off because I looked at those words before tonight. But I'm not with it mentally. So hopefully you are a gracious woman.


1 comment:

  1. Are you serious?? Wow. Hope you're ok. Of course you can postpone the quiz...if you even come to school tomorrow. Be careful. Better safe than sorry for sure!


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